After a Loved One Leaves

Life after Death

While family members may be prepared for the biological death of a loved one, other aspects such as emotional challenges and social changes are often neglected. Death brings about multi-dimensional uncertainties. Families need more than medical information in order to better prepare themselves.

Having open conversations with your family, the healthcare team and religious/faith community will better help support the grief journey.

While the pain of impending physical separation can feel overwhelming, you may consider the important life lessons you want to impart to your loved ones.

It is ok to be not ok

Prepare yourself and your loved ones and take time to say goodbye.

Life after Death

Grief comes in waves,
Giant waves,
Ferocious waves,
Surging Waves Knocking you off your feet.

When someone you love has died, you may experience a sense of relief for them. Witnessing their suffering was painful. Mixed with the feeling perhaps of guilt for not doing enough and/or for giving them permission to leave.

The slowing down of pace and with more time on hand, the impact of permanent separation starts to slowly sink in. There is no neat package and short cut through this journey of grief.

Recalling the conversations and your involvement with your deceased love ones is a way of missing and remembering them. Be kind to yourself. This process may go on for a while.

Review your experience, identify your emotions and the triggers of loss. New insights may develop over time.

It is ok to be not ok

There is no shortcut through grief. Take your time and be kind to yourself.

History of Labyrinth

Labyrinth walks date back thousands of years, and is used as a method of prayer, meditation or reflection. 

A labyrinth unlike a maze, has only a single path to the center. It has no dead ends. The path leads us to the center, a sacred place, where tears, regrets, sadness, guilt and anger are often released to one’s Higher Being or Higher Power. When walking out of the labyrinth, many report feeling a sense of peace and hope for the future. 

We now invite you to reflect on your loss using the labyrinth walk. The feelings of not knowing the way, feeling lost, or simply feeling as though no progress is being made are common in grief.

Virtual Finger Labyrinth Walk